Sunday, March 20, 2011

Prozac Park

We had house guests all weekend- one of which was my dear friend and former roommate who has been living in India for the better part of this past year. It was fun to try to play hostess in a city that I am still just learning.
The weather was so beautiful today that husband and I spent most of the afternoon at Loose Park near Kansas City's plaza area. The park was huge and there were tons of people there walking their dogs, playing frisbee, reading books and working out. I walked around the trails while JJ did stuff that accountants do {read some sort of book with numbers instead of words on the pages}. I felt completely restored afterwards. The combination of sunshine {after a nasty winter} and seeing so many happy people and having some time to spend with husband was just like medicine for the rut I've been in. I've decided to change its name to Prozac Park- for its mood enhancing powers.

I think I might go back to the park again tomorrow to try to soak up some more of its magical powers!

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