Thursday, November 18, 2010

I wish I was a Cat Person

I wish I could be a cat person. I've always liked the cats that my parents have had and I do think some of the "LOL Cats" pictures are cute, but I just can't get revved up about the idea of having a cat in our new apartment.

And, I guess it wouldn't be fair to have a dog ride up and down the elevator from our apartment 8 floors each time he needs to go potty. So, I wish I was a cat person.

This is a daily conversation at our house. JJ wants a cat so bad he offered to clean its litterbox Forever. I so badly don't want a cat I offered to let him have the garage parking spot and I would park outside in the snow if we don't get one.

I guess we should just get a fish. We are clearly not ready for any more responsibility.

1 comment:

  1. ok, I recall you giving me shit about saying I liked to YouTube cats, and now you are posting pics of cats flexing their guns and what not. I think you secretly like cats vids and pics as well.
